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The Conception of Our Era in 'Impotence'


Updated: Mar 18, 2021

The Conception of Our Era in the Video 'Impotence' by Ariane Loze.

The 4 characters in the video 'Impotence'
Stills from the video 'Impotence' by Ariane Loze
"I can't explain what makes me a stranger, but I am sure I am a stranger in this world."

The projection of the video 'Impotence' by Ariane Loze reminded me of a window that was opening into the exhibition's space. A girl was standing by the window and it seamed like she was looking over. The vibrant blue sweater she wore made a contradiction with the white background of the space she was occupying. Being attracted to the portraits and the set up, I went close to watch 'Impotence' and to find out that this was a piece about the "inertia" that currently overtakes civilians.

It is possible to confuse the video with a monologue, but sooner or later the diverse postures and views can help the audience realise how the artist is acting out a dialogue that takes place among four female characters. The women manifested apathy, anxiety, attentiveness, hopelessness and often indirect aggression.

While grasping the tension in the moments of silence and while reflecting on the confessions, I realised how much I identified with the characters. Particularly, one of them constantly dived into herself and made deliberate efforts to deliver the inability to act and contribute in the course of political and social events. Globalism, extreme right, Europe and imigration crises, were mentioned among others.

Despite the purposeful difficulty to reach a conclusion, rigid statements, like "I can't explain what makes me a stranger, but I am sure I am a stranger in this world" are spoken out. These statements are not just opinions! By far, Ariane Loze is concerned with the ongoing social and political apathy and as a consequence she is scrutinizing the seveer "disorientation" that each one of us may experience. The censures and the hesitations are there in the dialogue, in order to remind to viewers their our own personal entagles that a succession of political turmoils has made them temporal.

It was mentioned that "Impotence translates the anxiety of the contemporary individual faced with their limited scope for action and their feelings of powerlessness." In line with this, all the manifestations of political decisions have worn out people and have ceased their intention to participate in the political life and to dream of a life they wish to seize.

At last, the kind of "inertia" that Ariane draws on to in 'Impotence' foretell the essence of a meaningful life, which rests on the human capacity for empathy, care and on actions that count. Unfortunately, empathy, care and proactivity are infringed and the potential for a meaningful life is abstained. We are possessed that "to do" or "to propose" is beyond our scope and ultimately we are surrounded by a world that is utterly strange.


'Impotence' is 18'11'' HD video projection with sound that was created in 2017. Fraction of the video is accessible in . The artwork was shown in the exhibition 'Anatomy of Political Melancholy' in Athens Consernatoire, Athens, GR, 2019. Ariane Loze is a Belgian Video Artist and focal to her practice is to act and direct the stories that she creates.

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